What are the main differences between the Regular License and the Extended License?
- Posted by jamfix
- On maio 23, 2016
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In simple terms, the main difference is that under the Regular License, your end product (incorporating the item you’ve licensed) is distributed for free, whereas under the Extended License your end product may be sold. Of course, if it was all that simple, we’d have a one sentence license, so please do read the licenses and the rest of these FAQs for more details!
If you’re a freelancer, you are allowed to create an end product for a client using the Regular License and charge them for your services – see the FAQ “I’m a freelancer/agency. Can I use the item for an end product I’m doing for a client?” for more information.
Please note that our Music Licenses, SFX Licenses and Video Media Licenses allow for both free and paid uses. The following FAQs in this section on free versus paid uses do not apply to these specific licenses. For more information on the Music Licenses and SFX Licenses see the AudioJungle FAQs, and for Video Media Licenses see the VideoHive FAQs.
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